The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail!

On Daily Faith, back with us today to share the word of the Lord is Pastor Bobby Williams of The Ridge Church in Oak Ridge, TN. He is speaking about the Church.  Although we may be facing some turbulence in the American church, and we’re in the midst of difficult times around the world, God is not surprised by the works of man. God is establishing His church within us. Did you know that we are the church? The body of Christ is the church. The Spirit of God dwells within us to share the word of God to all men, establishing His Kingdom on Earth. The Word of God says in Matthew 16:18, And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Nothing is going on in the world that the Lord does not see or know about. Some might think that God is doesn’t care, but our loving Father cares deeply for you and me. The Lord allows times of testing to come that reveal the true nature of the hearts of all men. In this, His sovereign will is being established in your life. We want to encourage you to step out by acting in faith on the promises of God. You are the church, and the gates of hell, the counsels of hell, shall not prevail against you! For more information about The Ridge Church with Pastor Bobby Williams, please visit

The Orphans Hands ministry is the very heart of our outreach work in Eastern Europe. We have been ministering in these poverty-stricken countries for the past 30 years. The country of Moldova has one of the high death rates due to alcoholism. This tragedy breaks up the home, and kids are dropped off at an orphanage due to a lack of support within their families. In the orphanages, the children are told that no one loves them and will never care for them, and they are hopeless and desperate for affection and acceptance of a family. They’re subject to the risk of human trafficking. We have a village of homes, called Vatra Village in Moldova, and a house in Ukraine, where we take in these kids and provide for their every need. They are given a second chance at life, a sense of responsibility, a loving family. By sharing the love of Jesus with them, their hearts are being established upon the promises of God. They have come together in support of one another, as the church. They understand that by faith, all things are possible with Jesus. Their faith is being built with this love, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them! We want to thank you for your prayers and generous support! To learn more about The Orphans Hands ministry, please visit

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